Wednesday, February 11, 2009


1. Exhale and inhaling, start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle&nbspof 45 degree with the floor.
2. Hold breathe, and in the same position raise the shoulders and the back. Hold the toes of the legs with both the hands.
3. Continue normal breathing.


Keep the knees straight or else the expected pressure on the organs is not achieved. In this position it is always difficult to maintain the balance of the body but with practice one can achieve the steady posture. If initially you can't catch the toes then hold the legs at ankles but don't bend the legs in knees.


1. Inhale & exhaling bring the hands to normal position releasing the toes.
2. Continue exhaling and slowly bring the legs to normal position.
3. Attain the supine position.


Due to the balance and strain involved in this asana, initially it is difficult to maintain it for long. One can practice it for up to 15 seconds after sufficient practice.

Internal Effects

The size of the BELLY reduces due to the contraction of the abdomen from both the sides. Organs like lever, intestines, pancreas, kidneys etc. are pressurized which helps in improving the functioning.


Though this asana is useful for abdomen problems, people who have been operated on abdomen should not do this asana.

Do’s & Don’ts
- Keep the legs straight in knees and inclined at 45 deg angle with the floor.
- As far as possible the back remains straight.
- Arms straight with fingers holding the toes.
- Eye sight fixed on the toes.
- You may start from sitting position if it is difficult to achieve the position from supine position.
- Try to balance on the buttocks.

- Do not bend the legs in knees.
- Do not bend the arms in elbows.


1. Spread the legs one foot apart.
2. Fold the left leg in the knee and place it on the right thigh.
3. Fold the right leg in the knee and place it on left thigh.
4. Now with the help of the elbows raise the head, curve the back backwards and place the top of the head on the floor, making the arch of the back.
5. Hold the toes of the feet with hands and continue normal breathing.


In this asana, the thighs and knees are completely placed on the ground. As the back is stretched in curve and head on floor, lot of weight is shifted to the head and throat is stretched.


1. Release the toes of the feet and support the shoulders with the elbows.
2. Slowly reducing the weight on the head, straighten the neck and bring the shoulders on the floor.
3. Straighten the right leg.
4. Straighten the left leg.
5. Bring back both the legs to normal position and take supine position.


This asana is complementary to Sarvangasana and Halasana, so should be maintained for one tenth of the period of the Sarvangasana or Halasana.

Internal Effects

Jalandhar Bandha in Sarvangasana pressurizes the thyroids and pituitary glands but in Matsya Bandha these glands are stretched. These opposite processes help improve the circulation in these glands assuring healthy functioning.
Also the thigh & abdomen muscles are stretched systematically.


The weight over the head should be taken out slowly. The support of the hands should be removed only when the head is completely ready to bear the weight. Also while releasing the position, one should avoid jerks and speedy movements. Maintain the asana until it is bearable and pleasant.

Do’s & Don’ts
- Lift the head with the support of hands, elbows.
- Try to rest the crown of the head on the ground.
- While taking, releasing & maintaining the position, support the head and neck very carefully.
- Try to keep soft cushion under the head.

Simple variations –
- One can keep the legs straight
- The legs can be folded in swastikasana or samasana or a simple cross legged position.
- For taking the position, one can go on the elbows from sitting position and while resting on the elbows, try resting your crown on the floor.

Advanced variation –
- Legs are in padmasana (lotus pose), try holding toes with hands without elbows resting on the ground.

- Do not move or pull or turn the neck while you are in the position.
- Do not remove the support of the elbows to neck.



1. Fold both the legs in knees.
2. Fold the legs in waist and press the thighs against stomach.
3. Contract and expand the anus in this position.
4. Continue normal breathing.


One should start practicing this asana when stability in Sarvangasana is achieved. As for the position complete folding of legs in knees and waist is very important. Similarly the calves should touch the thighs. Do not bend the back during the position. Bending of back brings knees close to the mouth and that is not desirable.


1. Stop contraction and expansion of the anus.
2. Straighten the legs in the waist.
3. Straighten the legs in the knees and take the Sarvangasana.


It should be maintained for up to 45 seconds, and can be increased to 2 minutes.

Internal Effects

This Mudra has particularly good effects on the empty spaces in the stomach. Due to the pressure functioning of these parts is improved.
It also has good effects on Uterus in women.


Any healthy person can practice this asana but women suffering from Uterus problems should do this asana under expert observation.

Do’s & Don’ts
- Raise the entire back & buttocks off the ground.
- Legs are bent in knees and knees are just above the head or towards the ears so that the back remains straight & vertical.
- Try pressing the thighs in to abdomen and chest.
- Hands, upper arm & elbows on the ground while supporting the back behind chest.
- Shoulders resting on the ground.
- The chin resting in the sternal notch. (In Chin lock position)

- Don’t bend the back.
- Don’t let the knees come to the ground or away from the body.
- Do not move the neck or overstrain it in chin lock position.



1. Exhale and inhaling start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle&nbspof 90 degree with the floor. Attain the Uttanpadasana posture.
2. Exhaling raise the waist and push the legs backward over the head.
3. Inhailing support the waist with both the hands, straighten the legs and stretch the toes&nbsptowards sky. Keep the sight on the toes.
4. Continue normal breathing.


In this asana the arms up to the elbows are placed on the floor. The body from neck to the elbows is kept straight. The toes are stretched upward. Initially if it is difficult to maintain this asana keeping the legs straight then bend the legs slightly while keeping the balance.


1. 1.Inhale and exhaling, slightly lower the legs towards head and maintaining the balance&nbspof the body remove the hands supporting the waist back to the normal position.
2. Inhaling , place the waist on the ground keeping legs straight as in the &nbspUttanpadasana.
3. Exhaling , bring legs back to the normal position without jerk or speed.


This asana is difficult in the beginning especially for women with heavy hips and men with big belly's. Initially you can take help of other person while raising the hips and waist. This asana should be maintained for 2 to 3 minutes after sufficient practice to get the desired results.

Internal Effects

Most of the times we remain either in standing or sitting position. Quite opposite position is taken in this asana. This helps improve the blood circulation as impure blood easily reaches the heart. To some extent you can get the benefits of Shirsasana (up side down) in this posture.


This asana should not be performed by people who are suffering from heart trouble and blood pressure problems. It can only be practiced under expert guidance.

Do’s & Don’ts


- Keep the legs straight in knees with toes pointing to the sky.
- Raise the lower back & buttocks off the ground.
- Hands, upper arms & elbows on the ground while supporting the waist with the hands.
- Shoulders resting on the ground.
- Head straight and eye sight fixed on the raised toes.
- Note that the legs can be taken towards head for maintaining the balance.

Advanced variation – legs can be straightened at 90 degrees to the floor.

- Do not bend the legs in knees.
- Do not take the legs over your head in the position, but you can take the legs over your head while taking & releasing the position.
- Do not move the neck while in the position.
- Do not keep the legs and back in one straight line as in Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand).



1. Exhale and inhaling start raising left leg upward without allowing it to bend in the knee and stop when it makes an angle of 90 degree with the floor.
2. Keep the sight at the toe of the left foot.
3. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.


While raising the leg, it is necessary that the leg be kept straight. Keep the toe stretched towards sky.


Inhale and exhaling bring, the leg down, back on to the floor.


Though this asana appears to be simple, it is difficult to maintain the posture. To start with try to maintain this for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not take unnecessary strain, if you feel uncomfortable then release the posture immediately.

Internal Effects

In this asana, thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme producing glands and other organs and helps increases their capacity. The vertical position of the legs help improve the blood circulation.
Precaution One should avoid movement of legs with jerk or speed. The movements should be controlled otherwise this asana can strain muscles.

Do’s & Don’ts Do’s
From left side
- Raise the left leg at 90 degrees to ground and keep it straight in knee with toes pointing to the sky.
- Keep the back & buttocks on the ground
- Palms of the hands resting on the ground close to the body.
- The other leg should be straight in knee and resting on the ground with toes pointing to the sky.
- Head straight and eye sight fixed on the raised toes.

- Do not bend the legs in the knees.
- Do not lift the lower back & buttocks.



1. Exhale and inhaling start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle&nbspof 90 degree with the floor.
2. Keep the sight at the toes of the feet.
3. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.


While raising the legs, it is necessary that the legs be kept straight and close together. Keep the toes together and stretched towards sky.


Inhale and exhaling, bring both the legs down, back on to the floor.


Though this asana appears to be simple, it is difficult to maintain the posture. To start with try to maintain this for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not take unnecessary strain, if you feel uncomfortable then release the posture immediately.

Internal Effects

In this asana, thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme producing glands and other organs and helps increases their capacity. The vertical position of the legs help improve the blood circulation.


One should avoid movement of legs with jerk or speed. The movements should be controlled otherwise this asana can strain muscles.
- Raise both the legs at 90 degrees to ground keeping them straight in knees with toes pointing to the sky.
- Keep the back & buttocks on the ground
- Arms straight with palms resting on the ground close to the body.
- Head straight and eye sight fixed on the raised toes.

Sunday, February 1, 2009



In the Vajrasana position turn your neck to the left side as much as possible, relax all the muscles, continue normal breathing.Repeat this for right side.



In the hastashirasana posture stretch both the legs backwards as shown in figure, keep 12 inch distance between both the elbows, in this posture relax all the muscles, continue normal breathing.



In Hastshirasana stretch left leg backwards completely, in this posture relax all the muscles, continue normal breathing. Repeat this for right leg stretched backwards.



In Vajrasana bend forward in waist & place both the elbows on the ground 6 to 8 inches apart and ahead of knees with palms supporting head, in this posture relax all the muscles, continue normal breathing.



In Vajrasana place both the palms on the ground ahead of knees touching each other, push neck backwards and chest forward with waist pushed downwards, in this posture relax all the muscles, continue normal breathing.


Fold the left leg in the knee and place the heel of the left foot near the thigh of the right leg.
Only inhale.
Exhaling, hold the big toe of the right foot with the left hand and encircle the right hand round the waist.
Exhale completely, and bend downwards and touch the forehead to the knee. Don't allow the knee to raise. Continue smooth breathing.
The process of downward bending is the same as in Pashchimottasana (full). In this Asana one leg is folded and the calf and the thigh are kept to the floor.
Exhale, and inhaling, start raising the head.
Restore both the hands to their place.
Straighten the left leg and take the sitting position.


Only inhale.
Exhale, and hold the big toes of both the feet with both the hands.
In exhaled state bend downward and rest the forehead on the knees. Continue smooth breathing.

After bending down, keep the heels, calves, thighs completely touching to the floor, keeping the spine straight, rest the forehead on the knees and continue smooth breathing. Try to rest the elbows on the floor.
Since here the abdomen gets completely folded, it becomes necessary to bend only after complete exhalation.
One should bend downward as much as one's body permits and then try to stabilize at that point, keeping the breathing smooth. Do not try to raise the knees in order to get the forehead on to the knees.
After taking the position, relax the whole body and automatically the head, shoulder, chest will come down owing to their weight and relaxation.

Exhale, and inhaling, start raising the head.
Restore the hands to their place and take up the sitting position.


Exhale, and inhaling raise the hands upward from the sides and join the palms.
Exhaling, bend in the waist and touch the forehead on the floor keeping the hands straight. After taking the final position, continue smooth breathing.

Like Yogamudra here too the abdomen gets folded. Further, attempt should be made to have this fold as complete as possible. The frontward stretched arms greatly help in getting this fold. However, the hands should be kept as much outstretched as possible.
Keep the knees resting on the floor and the spinal column straight.
Place the forehead on the floor at farthest distance from the crossed legs. While outstretching the hands, keep the arms touching the ears. Keep the breathing normal.

Exhale, and inhaling start raising the arms, neck and the trunk and straighten it in the waist. Keep the hands outstretched above the head.
Exhaling, bring both the hands down from the sides and take up Dhyana Mudra.


1. Bend the left leg in the knee and place it near the thigh of left leg.
2. Place the right hand beyond the folded knee of the left leg and in front of the left hand. Keep the palms of both the hands in opposite direction. There should be a distance of one foot between the two hands.
3. Press the standing left knee with the right hand and shoulders, and twist the neck to the left. Turn the sight also in the same direction and continue normal breathing.
1. In this Asana the spine is to be kept straight.
2. The lower end of the spine and both the hips be placed well on the floor and stabilize them.
3. Then with the support of the neck and shoulders twist the upper vertebrae to the left. Alongwith the neck, the sight should also be turned to the left side and stabilize it in that direction.
4. In Vakrasana (Type 1) the spine is twisted only with the help of the shoulders. Here the shoulders, the knee and the hand are placed in such a way that there is more pressure on the spine.
1. Turn the neck and the sight to the front.
2. Restore the right hand to its place and set right the palm of the left hand.
3. Straighten the left leg and take the sitting position.


1. Bend the left leg in the knee and place its heel near the thigh. Keep the sole of the left foot flat on the floor and the thigh and knee touching to the chest.
2. Place the left hand in front of the right hand in such a way that the fingers of both the palms face each other and the palms remain flat on the floor.
3. Now turn the neck and the trunk to the right, twisting the spine and look back above the shoulder. Continue smooth breathing.
1. In this Asana the spine is to be kept straight.
2. The lower end of the spine and both the hips be placed well on the floor and stabilize them.
3. Then with the support of the neck and shoulders twist the upper vertebrae to the right. At the same time, the standing knee be kept close to the chest.
4. Alongwith the neck, the sight should also be turned to the right side and stabilize it in that direction.
1. Turn the neck to the front.
2. Restore the hand to its place.
3. Straighten the left leg and take the sitting position.



1. Inhale, and exhailing set both the palms near the belly below the navel resting on the heels of the legs. Keep the right hand palm on the left hand palm. Keep the fingers quite together.

2. Exhailing bend in the waist and place the forehead on the ground. When the bending process is over, continue smooth breathing.




1. Inhale and take both the hands back and keep the palms facing outside interlocking the thumbs. Keep both the hands straight.

2. Exhailing bend in the waist and rest the forehead on the floor. Continue smooth breathing.




1. Spread both the legs and keep them at a distance of 1 to 1.5 feet.

2. Bend left leg in knee and place it touching the thigh of the right leg in such a way that its heel rests on the procreating organ.

3. Bend right leg in knee and place its foot in between the thigh and its heel is placed of the left leg.

4. Keep the wrists of both the hands on the respective knees and take Dnyana Mudra.&nbspContinue normal breathing.

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