1. Exhale and inhaling, start raising both the legs upward and stop when they make angle of 45 degree with the floor.
2. Hold breathe, and in the same position raise the shoulders and the back. Hold the toes of the legs with both the hands.
3. Continue normal breathing.
Keep the knees straight or else the expected pressure on the organs is not achieved. In this position it is always difficult to maintain the balance of the body but with practice one can achieve the steady posture. If initially you can't catch the toes then hold the legs at ankles but don't bend the legs in knees.
1. Inhale & exhaling bring the hands to normal position releasing the toes.
2. Continue exhaling and slowly bring the legs to normal position.
3. Attain the supine position.
Due to the balance and strain involved in this asana, initially it is difficult to maintain it for long. One can practice it for up to 15 seconds after sufficient practice.
Internal Effects
The size of the BELLY reduces due to the contraction of the abdomen from both the sides. Organs like lever, intestines, pancreas, kidneys etc. are pressurized which helps in improving the functioning.
Though this asana is useful for abdomen problems, people who have been operated on abdomen should not do this asana.
Do’s & Don’ts
- Keep the legs straight in knees and inclined at 45 deg angle with the floor.
- As far as possible the back remains straight.
- Arms straight with fingers holding the toes.
- Eye sight fixed on the toes.
- You may start from sitting position if it is difficult to achieve the position from supine position.
- Try to balance on the buttocks.
- Do not bend the legs in knees.
- Do not bend the arms in elbows.
1 comment:
Good healthy information.
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