1. Exhale and inhaling start raising left leg upward without allowing it to bend in the knee and stop when it makes an angle of 90 degree with the floor.
2. Keep the sight at the toe of the left foot.
3. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.
While raising the leg, it is necessary that the leg be kept straight. Keep the toe stretched towards sky.
Inhale and exhaling bring, the leg down, back on to the floor.
Though this asana appears to be simple, it is difficult to maintain the posture. To start with try to maintain this for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not take unnecessary strain, if you feel uncomfortable then release the posture immediately.
Internal Effects
In this asana, thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme producing glands and other organs and helps increases their capacity. The vertical position of the legs help improve the blood circulation.
Precaution One should avoid movement of legs with jerk or speed. The movements should be controlled otherwise this asana can strain muscles.
Do’s & Don’ts Do’s
From left side
- Raise the left leg at 90 degrees to ground and keep it straight in knee with toes pointing to the sky.
- Keep the back & buttocks on the ground
- Palms of the hands resting on the ground close to the body.
- The other leg should be straight in knee and resting on the ground with toes pointing to the sky.
- Head straight and eye sight fixed on the raised toes.
- Do not bend the legs in the knees.
- Do not lift the lower back & buttocks.
1. Exhale and inhaling start raising left leg upward without allowing it to bend in the knee and stop when it makes an angle of 90 degree with the floor.
2. Keep the sight at the toe of the left foot.
3. Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.
While raising the leg, it is necessary that the leg be kept straight. Keep the toe stretched towards sky.
Inhale and exhaling bring, the leg down, back on to the floor.
Though this asana appears to be simple, it is difficult to maintain the posture. To start with try to maintain this for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not take unnecessary strain, if you feel uncomfortable then release the posture immediately.
Internal Effects
In this asana, thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme producing glands and other organs and helps increases their capacity. The vertical position of the legs help improve the blood circulation.
Precaution One should avoid movement of legs with jerk or speed. The movements should be controlled otherwise this asana can strain muscles.
Do’s & Don’ts Do’s
From left side
- Raise the left leg at 90 degrees to ground and keep it straight in knee with toes pointing to the sky.
- Keep the back & buttocks on the ground
- Palms of the hands resting on the ground close to the body.
- The other leg should be straight in knee and resting on the ground with toes pointing to the sky.
- Head straight and eye sight fixed on the raised toes.
- Do not bend the legs in the knees.
- Do not lift the lower back & buttocks.
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